After months of rumors and speculations, the Google Pixel 4a is finally official. The handset is powered by the Snapdragon 730G chipset paired with 128GB of internal storage and 6GB of RAM. There are no versions with extra storage nor a microSD card so that will have to do it. Google Pixel 4a price starts at $349 (roughly Rs. 26,300) for the lone 6GB + 128GB model. The phone is initially available for pre-order in the US via the Google Store and on Google Fi. Display Full-screen 147.6 mm (5.81") display with transmissive hole Dimensions and weight 5.7" height x 2.7" width x 0.3" depth Battery 3140 mAh2 Memory and storage 6 GB LPDDR4x RAM • 128 GB storage Processors Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 7304 The latest Android 10 + new Google Assistant Rear camera 12.2 MP dual-pixel • 1.4 μm pixel width • Auto-focus with dual pixel phase detection Front camera 8 MP • 1.12 μm pixel size • ƒ/2.0 aperture • Fixed focus Video Rear camera: 1080p @ 30 fp...