Last month Motorola launched Moto G9 and then recently launched Moto G9 Plus. The main highlights are the 5000 maH battery,trend punch hole camera and Snapdragon chipset. The Moto G9 Plus powered from a Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G chipset, coupled with 4GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. The Moto G9 Plus is priced at BRL 2,499 (roughly Rs. 35,000) for the 4GB/128GB model. It is currently on sale in Brazil. Moto G9 Plus measures 6.8-inches and sits within a chassis that measures 170 x 78.1 x 9.7 mm. Moving to the camera part, Moto G9 Plus offers a quad rear camera setup comprising a 64MP primary sensor, an 8MP wide-angle lens, a 2MP macro camera, and a 2MP depth sensor with an LED flash.It sports a 16-MP camera on the front for selfies. The Motorola Moto G9 Plus supports 30w fast charging. There is microSD card support for storage expansion. Moto G9 Plus runs on Android 10. Moto G9 Plus is a dual-SIM smartphone that accepts Nano-SIM and Nano-SIM cards. The connectivity option...