OnePlus OxygenOS is on board, running on top of Android 10, and it's been one of our favourite Android variants for a while now. OnePlus Nord has been made available in three variants in India with the entry variant of the device bringing 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. This one starts retail at Rs 24,999. While this one won't be going on sale until September, two other variants will be available for purchase on August 4. The device will be made available in Blue Marble and Gray Onyx colour options. OnePlus Nord on paper is powered by the more powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G 5G processor. This processor gives the OnePlus an advantage in terms of performance but also in terms of networks. The Nord comes with support for 5G networks. It is a 6.44-inch AMOLED display running at a refresh rate of 90Hz. It is rated to provide 408ppi pixel density and 20:9 aspect ratio. The sides of the display aren't curved like they are on the OnePlus 8, but there is a cutout for two ...