Galaxy M51 Launched - Price and Specifications Samsung has launched Galaxy M51 comes with a 7500mah battery. The biggest sale advantage is the battery option. The phone is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon SoC that is reportedly Snapdragon 730, paired with 6GB of RAM. It packs 6GB of RAM and 128GB onboard storage. There’s only one variant for the Galaxy M51 but Samsung could launch more variants in India. It also supports expandable storage up to 512GB via a microSD card. The Galaxy M51 smartphone ships with OneUI, which is based on Android 10. As for the photography session, the phone packs a quad rear camera setup, including a 64MP primary sensor.It is accompanied by a 12-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide-angle lens offering a 123-degree field-of-view. The rear camera setup also includes a 5MP depth sensor, and a 5MP macro camera. And also have a 32MP sensor. The Samsung Galaxy M51 has a 6.7-inch Full HD Plus AMOLED display. It has a fivehole selfie camera and...